Livre d'Or

Note moyenne attribuée par les visiteurs au spectacle : 5.0/10

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Messages : 111 à 120
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Nombre de messages : 759
le 15/04/2024 à 17:30
Note : 5/10

The Mexican women were dressed in plain black, with black veils and very high hats; they carried little
black hand sachels, wore no gloves, and their finger-nails, easily a half-inch longer than the finger, were cut in the
bird-claw shape then so fashionable. Can a felon in west Virginia carry a black powder rifle?
If the pressure becomes too great, you can use the valve to release the pump.

The paragraph above suggests that there is often a lot of rework, of
"doing over" when we use incremental design and refactoring.

There are potteries located here where the Indians make all sorts
of queer little things, which have some claim to beauty,
and are bought by the natives as well as foreigners.
A poor Indian formed the rough side of the stone hill into arches,
benches, cunning little summer houses and all sorts
of retreats. It is a common thing to see houses two hundred years
old, and they are better than many they are putting up to-day, for they are adopting the
Messages : 111 à 120
Page : 12
Nombre de messages : 759